Sri Kanakadasa Seva Shikshana Samsthe - Orphanage / School at Raichur SRI KANAKADASA SEVA SIKSHANA SAMSTHE

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Kannada Rajyotsava

Today Kannada Rajyotsava was celebrated with great enthusiasm at Sri Kanakadasa Orphanage School,Raichur on the bright and sunny morning.
Students showcased their talent and exhibited their love for their beloved state, Karnataka by enthusiastically participating in a group dance,
The students were able to spread the fragrance of Kannada language with their spectacular dance performance.
A Small Breif About Kannada Rajyotsava : Every year, 1st November is celebrated as Kannada Rajyotsava, the day that the state of Karnataka was formed. On this day, in 1956 all the Kannada speaking areas of South India were merged into a new state. The state was initially called Mysore, but this was considered too reminiscent of the old princely regiment, and the name was changed to Karnataka on 1st November 1973.
Karnataka Rajyotsava is celebrated across the entire state with much enthusiasm. The state is dotted with red and yellow as the Karnataka flag is hoisted at all important locations, and the state anthem is sung. The beauty of this day is that it is enjoyed with much excitement across all age groups, religion and gender, making it a truly wholesome and inclusive celebration.